- Published:
- 10 Jul, 2020
Opportunity to contribute to the WHO COVID-19 response
Dear All SPA members & Pediatric Colleagues,
World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a Global COVID-19 Clinical Data Platform to rapidly and systematically collect clinical data of COVID-19 cases to help inform guidelines on clinical management and assist with operational planning for public health response, in keeping with its mandate to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable. The platform is secure, limited-access, and password-protected, and will help pool data across diverse global settings. WHO does not consider COVID-19 data collection as a research activity but rather surveillance of public health importance. Hence, the data will only be used to inform clinical guidelines and management, with no intention to publish data in WHO’s name. The data contributors retain the right to their data and are encouraged to analyze and publish the results.
You can reach them COVID_ClinPlatform@who.int for further information or collaboration
or visit: https://www.who.int/teams/health-care-readiness-clinical-unit/covid-19/data-platform
This request is made in collaboration with the International Pediatric Association (IPA).
Best regards,
Dr. Abdullah AL-Omair
President, Saudi Pediatric Association
Tel. 011 806 6322 - 011 806 6325
P.O. BOX 2925, Riyadh 11461
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
E-mail: speda.h.office@gmail.com